
Nous sommes fiers de la diversité de notre jury, qui décide des projets à financer en fonction des critères de sélection.

Nous sommes très reconnaissant.e.s à nos jurés pour le temps qu’ils consacrent au Prototype Fund et contribuent de manière décisive à son succès.

Team Members

Olga Baranova

Director and Board Member at CH++


Jordi Boggiano

Co-Founder and open-source lead at Packagist and Head of Engineering at Teamup


Sebastian Buckup

Head of Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network and Partnerships, World Economic Forum; Visiting Professor, University of Geneva


Hannes Gassert

Founding Board member of Opendata.ch and Co-founder of Liip


Maike Gossen

Post-Doc researcher on sustainable consumption, sufficiency and digitalization, Technical University Berlin and University of Zurich.


Fabian Ligibel

Founder of Fortae, currently working on the civic-tech project Demokratis

Christian Müller

Maya Tharian

Maike Thies

Research Associate, Subject Area Game Design, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
