Projects - Round 1

These projects developed their prototypes from the beginning of September 2020 until the end of February 2021.


FairElection creates a tool for political organisations, civil society organisations and companies to select candidates according to their self-chosen criteria of diversity/representation. In addition, everyone can use the tool to simulate the results of the latest National Council elections (2019) by modifying these same diversity criteria.


CH+ Games for Democracy

CH+ Games for Democracy uses game mechanics for political self-education and helps voters select their ideal candidates during elections. CH+ is based on co-design and invites users to be part of the design process. 


owlly enables digital democracy by holistically promoting electronic signature collection for referenda and advocates for optimal e-collecting framework conditions in Switzerland.



smartask develops a platform through which citizens can address questions or concerns directly and publicly to parliamentarians. brings democracy to schools and promotes the understanding of democracy among the youth in a sustainable way through three modules: learning  + testing + living democracy.