
We are very proud of the diversity of our jury who decides which projects receive financial support. Their decision is based on our selection criteria.

We are very grateful to our jurors for the time they donate to the Prototype Fund. They contribute decisively to the success of the program.

Team Members

Olga Baranova

Director and Board Member at CH++


Sebastian Buckup

Head of Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network and Partnerships, World Economic Forum; Visiting Professor, University of Geneva


Jordi Boggiano

Co-Founder and open-source lead at Packagist and Head of Engineering at Teamup


Hannes Gassert

Founding Board member of Opendata.ch and Co-founder of Liip


Maike Gossen

Post-Doc researcher on sustainable consumption, sufficiency and digitalization, Technical University Berlin and University of Zurich.


Fabian Ligibel

Founder of Fortae, currently working on the civic-tech project Demokratis

Christian Müller

Maya Tharian

Political Science student, active in the Climate Strike Movement, member of the Managing Board of the Young Greenliberal Party Switzerland, and passionate about participatory democracy!



Maike Thies

Research Associate, Subject Area Game Design, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
